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2021 Junior National Championships

Thank you so much for being a part of this year's p1440 Junior National Championships. We hope you're back home and safe, well-rested and recovered after 3 days of intense and fun competition.

We are so grateful to all of you for bringing your A-Game, positive attitude and fun vibes to this event.  You pushed through the heat, humidity, rain and relentless competition and we commend all of you for your efforts!

In addition, we'd like to thank our volunteers who have made this year's event a HUGE success.You can view ALL of the tournament results at: https://play.p1440.com/tournament/2055 and selecting the RESULTS tab.

2021 Junior National Champions

Watch the U16s and U18s on YouTube

This year we were thrilled to LIVE STREAM the U16s and the U18s through our partnership with Volleyball World. The competition was fierce and these matches have been viewed over 10, 000 times already. If you missed any of the action, check it out for yourself.


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We ❤️  our community and we're sure you will too!
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